YouthTopia's mission was born out of a strong desire to address the pressing and urgent needs of inner-city youth for stronger character development, social-emotional learning that is best provided within a safe, healthy relationship with a trusted and respected adult role model and care-giver. Since statistics prove that far too many of today's youth are often either fatherless, motherless or in some cases both, so many critical needs in their lives and in development are left unaddressed and unattended leaving them vulnerable to and susceptible to social emotional problems and character deficiencies that prohibit them from experiencing healthy personal development, healthy relationships, maladjustment and even pathological or at-risk behavior patterns that carry over into their adulthood and undermine their self-efficacy.
Research supports the reality that high quality, well-informed and strategic mentoring and tutoring from well-trained adults is a proven solution to this urgent need and challenge. The increased presence of safe, healthy, caring, trustworthy committed and respectable adult role models in the lives of youth profoundly increase the likelihood of positive outcomes in their overall development and personal and social stability. By providing carefully screened and selected, well-trained caring, committed adult mentors and tutors of high character, YouthTopia addresses this critical and urgent need with a rock solid solution!
What sets our services apart is that it doesn't stop there! We also believe in the critical importance of a very holistic approach. Since the family life community life and school life are also critical to the well-being of youth, we provide support for their families in the form of needs based referral services and parenting education through cooperative learning in a supportive environment. We provide support to their communities through collaborative and supportive partnerships with local community leaders, stakeholders, churches, nonprofit organizations and local businesses. We partner and collaborate with local school leaders to support and augment school climate and culture as well. In this way, we serve to holistically educate, develop and empower the whole child, teenager and their context and environment in full consideration.